The project consisted of construction of a new landfill disposal module.
Approximately 115,000 cubic yards of soil was excavated to create the
new module. 80,000 square feet of excavated slopes were surface with a
shotcrete slope veneer. Low-permeability clay was imported and placed
over the 3-acre floor of the module prior to deployment of geosynthetic
clay liner, HDPE geomembrane, and leak detection geocomposite.
Approximately 1,200 lineal feet of 6" perforated HDPE leachate
collection pipe was installed to drain to a sump and leachate pump
system. A 12" thick layer of gravel drainage layer was imported and
placed over the geosynthetic liner utilizing low ground pressure
equipment. Geotextile fabric was installed over the gravel.
Finally, 15,000 cubic yards of soil operations layer was processed and placed over the geotextile to allow placement of refuse.